Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In the moment

I promised myself I would not write a post until I had enough time to write about Cinque Terre.
But John Keats has taken over my afternoon. And I feel like writing about it.

Due to my mother's distaste in my communication skills, the last couple days have been dedicated to rigorous hourly inbox checks. Since I tend to only have 1 or 2 emails per check, (compared to 56) I find myself actually reading my emails, rather than giving them a quick glance. So thank you mom. It is for this reason I have found my latest obsession: John Keats.

Obviously Keats is nothing new to the world. He definitely is not new to me. But I must say, a trailer makes all the difference. And now I can't get enough.

While reading through a WhoWhatWear Daily email (Yes, I am a recipient for such a newsletter. Yes, it was the first one I actually read. Yes, I then proceeded to take myself off the mailing list) I clicked on a link for "fashion TV". Before opening the page, a quick trailer of Bloomingdale's "B-flix" came on. Obeying my goldfish-like attention span, I forgot about my original prerogative and clicked on the link.

B-Flix is a short indie film contest, put on by Bloomingdales and is comprised of 5 different entries. If you are down and looking for comedic relief, please visit:
While I truly loved "Tall Enough", the other 4 films were actually uncomfortable to watch. They were that bad.

After watching all 5, I saw a link for fall movie trailers. (For those who do not know, I love love LOVE trailers. They are my past time) So naturally I clicked on that next. And what was the first film to pop up? BRIGHT STAR.
I watched it 6 times in a row.
I then proceeded to read 3 different biographies, as well as a handful of his poems and letters.

He is my new favorite writer. He was never a romantic, nor did he ever desire to find love. So when he met and fell in love with Fanny Brawne, the poetry he wrote was never sappy, never pretentious. It was real.
And now I'm a sap for writing about it. Judge me as you will, but at least watch the trailer:

As for me, I'm off to the opera!

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