Monday, November 30, 2009

Coeur de Pirate

Coeur de Pirate || Comme des enfants from Dare To Care Records on Vimeo.

A little french flair?
I'm pretty sure Kim left me some, because I came across a wonderful musician. Although she in from Quebec, not Paris, I simply cannot stop playing her music. This one is my fav.

Citta Invisibili

Our photo exhibition started out a little stressful. My lighting was bad, Hilliary's photos weren't hanging well, Michelle's display wasn't fitting how she expected. What I hoped would only take 30 minutes to set up...ending up taking almost 3 hours. This would have been fine, had I not told Kaleigh, I wouldn't take long. Nevertheless the opening was so much fun and the food was delicious!

If you ever find yourself in Florence, I definitely recommend Derb as a site to see. Derb is where our exhibition is currently located. Normally however, it is an elcectic store/cafe/art haven, boasting everything you never knew you've always wanted. If you're hungry for a smoothie and some hummus, desire a little bohemian flavor, or want to buy an original gift no one would expect DERB IS THE PLACE TO GO!

Hilliary's exhibit

Michelle's exhibit

My Exhibit

Best day ever....but seriously

The Town of Interlaken

after riding a gondola, then a train, then a ski lift, and a double bar? (Like a poma lift, but for two people) can one reach the top of the mountain...excuse me glacier

Jacket I rented and asked/begged to purchase. They kindly declined my offer

We bonded after realizing we all love Colorado skiing...Vail in particular. :)
Love them!


Ski Bunnies

Skiing a glacier may not sound extremely appealing, but when its in the Swiss may just be the greatest day of your life!

The main reason Hilliary and I went to Interlaken was to ski. For those of you unfamiliar with the sport, skiing relies on one main ingredient: snow. Ergo, when the mountain has no snow, the mountain is closed. Being that even 14,000 feet up in a helicopter there was no snow to be found, Interlaken obviously had yet to open. So we went with the alternative, and jumped in a van at 7:30 AM to Saas Fe, a glacier/resort two and half hours away.

With only 4 groomers open, and a strict requirement to stay on said runs (in order to avoid falling into 1,000 ft crevasses) it was without a doubt the greatest experience of my life. The view was unexplainable and the chunks of ice on either side of the runs were a rich sky-blue. Unlike skiing on a mountain, sunlight doesn't soften the snow, but instead melts it down to...well ice. Ergo, by the end of the day the runs were almost all ice, but totally worth it. We were officially the last ones at the top of the glacier, total silence, unspeakable views. photos aren't posting. stay tuned.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

China banned the pigtail in 1911 as it was seen as a symbol of feudalism.

Ancient drinkers warded off the devil by clinking their cups

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Let me be your wings...

There is no way to explain the rush you experience as you front flip out of a helicopter, 14,000 feet above ground. You have put your life in the hands of some crazy Swiss man you've just met and are now peering out the open door at the Swiss Alps and the two lakes that interlock to create "Interlaken". A part of you wants to stay inside, but you've already made the decision to go for it.

I can't say there was ever a defining moment where I thought, "OK, I'm ready!" You are scooted out of the helicopter, onto the railing and before you realize what's happening, you've begun spinning head-over-heels into one of the world's most incredible landscapes. It was breathtaking...literally! The first 15 seconds,  the air was hitting me so fast, I couldn't suck any oxygen into my lungs! It was in that moment that I had my only mini panic attack.

After the guy pulled on the shoot, we began to glide and I was given the controllers, dipping us right and left. Once he took hold of the reigns, I entered a state of euphoria. And I began to dance. It  felt so graceful to float and ballet seemed appropriate at the time....supposedly I was the first in all his 8,000 jumps to ever break out in dance...I blame the headrush.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Snow Dazed

#16 Ski in the Swiss Alps
#39 skydive 


Hilliary and I will be leaving for Interlaken through Euroadventures this evening! I cannot believe this weekend is actually happening. I'm so excited. 

Thank you mom for giving me this opportunity!


Monday, November 16, 2009


Dear Hollywood,
Thank you for making 2012 a movie filled with overdramatic sentiment, cliche notions, and flawless airbrushing. I would really hate to dread the end of the world. And yet every moment I clenched my seat, light-headed from holding my breath, I was calmed by a sappy line, which would kindly carry me back to reality. So thank you big-budget films, for I now have something to smile about.
Forever yours,
Jenna G. 

My favorite cheese-covered line: 
"Where's the fuel?"(man A)     "We lost it Vegas" (man B)

Friday, November 13, 2009

The flyer I made for our photo exhibit. SO excited!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why get tattoos...

"I want to be readable...there is nothing in the world I love more than reading." - Claire Parker

Frolicking in Florence

Life lately has been a clumsy mess as I frantically try to make the most of the time I have left abroad. The feeling is similar to writing a research paper 30 minutes before its due...frantically trying to absorb as much as possible, begging the clock to slow down. 

Ergo, my theme for the weekend is serenity. I need to slow down, take a deep breath and immerse into Italy; accept my time here and make the most of what I have left. 
Here is the outline for the weekend:

Thursday (today/night):
-Ricotta-stuffed tomatoes, pesto and tomato couscous, and wine at the other apt.
-F.G. at Capocaccia or Universale
            -Florence Film Festival as a backup 
-Wine tour in the countryside
-photostory shoot
-F.G (location- T.B.D)

-Play day in Lucca (hopefully checking out the vintage/antique market)
-Nice dinner (location T.B.D)
-Carmen (opera)... SO EXCITED!

-possibly a day at the hot springs?
...I'm leaving most of Sunday to spontaneity 

Have a good weekend...AND GO FROGS!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shoe Stopper

Jimmy Choo + H&M= 3 DAYS!!!

My Big Bang Theory

 I think its always best to start with a BANG, don't you?

After our fashion photography class let out late...again (quite a feat if you ask me, considering the class is 6 hours to begin with) Hil was a bit frantic to get to the real estate agency on time. For those of you out of the loop, Hilliary is staying in Florence for a year and has to rent out an apartment for the month in between fall and spring semester. I of course accompanied her for moral support.

According to Italian lifestyle, 7-15 minutes late is right on time, making us 5-10 minutes early. The realtor, fluent in English phrases such as hello and ok, kindly guided us to Hil's potential 4 week abode. The moment we entered the building, we were met with an intensely steep and narrow stairwell; an excellent and cost-effective way to add drama to any complex, I must say.

The intimidating trek upward was instantly soothed by the lingering fragrance of Indian food. With the door ajar, we entered the apartment to 3 of the momentary tenants- 1 woman on the pull out bed, timidly snuggled up in the sheets, 1 woman standing beside the kitchen, and 1 enthusiastic man motioning us in. With cans of olives on my left and a strangely MASSIVE box of pre-packaged button-up shirts that the man said "is going to Sri Lanka," on my right, I let Hilliary explore the remaining areas on her own.

The actual studio was adorable! The cabinets were all hand-painted with beautiful detailing, and the bathroom surprisingly provided a real-live working shower. (It gets to be a defining factor when your current shower head drips at a glacial pace, with occasional breaks in between)

With a smile and a few grazie, we bid farewell to our new friends and began our dangerous decline. No more than 3 steps in, I hear a powerful thud, and turn to see Hilliary, feet in the air, hands thrown about, sliding toward me at a ferociously accelerating speed. It was perhaps the most terrifying and hilarious moment of my life. Never before have I watched a person experience 7 different emotions in a 2 second period. (This of course is only in retrospect. At the scene of the incident, I was all kinds of panic)

For those who are gripping their screens, Hilliary is still with us, just a little bruised with a bit of a headache. The real estate agents repeatedly asked her if she needed to go to the hospital, but I promise she is being well-cared for.

As for the apartment, she thinks she's found the one. And how could she refuse after such a vivacious introduction? What better way to end with a bang if you begin with one as well!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Who says fashion and math don't mix?

For those of you who find couture a bit....bizarre.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Please, Stay Awhile

Thanks to Karlie, I have a new musician on my mind. His name is Erick Baker and his music is beautiful.
Check out his song Stay awhile!

Playdate with Pisa

The Leaning Tower. Beyond that, what does Pisa have to offer?
-Really bad pizza.
-really GOOD gelato.
-really GOOD chocolate.

Its a place I definitely recommend exploring!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What I Learned in Class...

Nothing education, but all the more fun.
My newest discoveries I simply adore. THANKS FRANCESCO!

-a photography agency launched in 2008 by Jae Choi. The website showcases the work of their agents. GREAT PHOTOGRAPHY!

-a doorway into the world's fashion weeks, art fairs, film festivals, and award shows

-from typography to film, CR showcases and analyzes the world of visual communication

-everything! Created with a focus on photography, it has links to fashion sites, photography blogs, online magazines, etc.

- "for those who want to bring fashion back to life, be stimulated, and tape into the energy of those starting out in an industry that belonged to the masters before them. is for those holding their breath for the next generation to do something for themselves."

-for watching shorts, features, and commercials.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Part of Your World

Look at my world

Isn’t it neat?

Wouldn't you think my perspective’s complete?

Wouldn't you think I'm aware

Of this world around me?

History books

Learned all that was told

What are they missing? What’s left to unfold?

Looking around, realized

Wow, I don’t know everything

Check report cards for I have plenty

Done museums and field trips galore

You want formal presentations?

Over two-hundred and twenty!

But who cares?

It’s not enough

I want more

I wanna be where the people were

I wanna see, wanna see their landmarks

Walking around in those - what do you call 'em?


Flippin' text book pages, you don't get too far

Travel is required to taste Saucer Torte!

Strolling along down the - What’s that wall again?

The Lennon!

Where the history is new, and the tours are free

Traveling to places thought I’d never be

Taking it in - can’t wait to begin

Exploring more of the world

What would I give if I could live just one year in Praha?

Remember that day, we watched riots play, and shuddered in awe?

Bet'cha its bland, to not expand

not stretching yourself for more adventure

Want to explore, Need to learn more

Ready to stand

And ready to know what other cultures know

Ask 'em my questions and get some answers

Gain new perspective and try to - what's the word?


Now is the time!

To stop this rhyme, and get the most of what is left

So much to learn

Before I return

To my little world

...this is the product of watching Little Mermaid while thoughts of fall break swirl madly in your head. I think this is the sign that I need to go to bed.


Prague: Lessons by Katka

If you are tight on cash I would suggest NOT going on the Free Prague Tour.

For if you have a tour guide like Katka, you will have the time of your life and end up leaving her half of your summer's earnings. Ergo, to save you from a similar financial blunder, I will share the off-the-wall stories she told. Then, when you decide to visit the best city in the WORLD, you can save your pennies and pay for a mono-tone tour that will prevent any desire to tip extra.

1) Going from a Democratic Republic to a People's Republic is like going from a jacket to a straight jacket.

2) The Czech Kebab: (n)- Catholics on a stake. -quite different from the Kebabs back in Florence.

Back in the day of the 1400's, Prague was occupied by nobles of the Church who ruled over the Hussite peasants. When it came to Hussite hobbies, defenestration was on the top of the list. What is defenestration you ask? Why it is the act of throwing someone out the window. And when it came to arm strength, the Catholic had nothing on the enraged peasants, which was unfortunate considering Catholic rulers were the targets of the fun little past time.

The first defenestration happened in 1419. Unhappy with the direction of the Church, some Hussites got together in hopes of clearly expressing their opinion to the government. On July 30th, a group stormed into Town Hall, grabbed 7 members of the city council and chucked them out the window. As considerate as they are rational, the Hussites made sure to place thick wooden spears right below the window... just for good measure. Perhaps not the method I would use to express my religious beliefs... but we'll give them an A for effort.

3) Poo = miracle?

Fast forward a couple hundred years to 1618 and the Catholic church was once again in a state of corruption. Feeling a bit restless, the peasants figured they'd give their little hobby another go. This time, they grabbed 2 clergymen, also swiping a secretary along the way, and tossed them all out the window. However, the 200 year gap left their tactics a little rusty. In midst of hasty planning, the peasants completely forgot the wooden stakes. Ergo, instead of falling to their demise, the victims fell...into a large heap of manure. When the Catholics rejoiced, calling the incident a "divine miracle", the peasants shook their heads stating that "no, its just poo!"

4) "My what a guyyy, Gaston!"

In 2002 Prague endured its greatest flood in history. While it was a time of chaos and terror for most, one Prague individual spent his days relishing the high tide. Residing in the Prague Zoo (one of the top 10 zoos in the world) Gaston was an optimistic seal, with dreams of swimming into freedom. The moment the water levels reached an acceptable level, Gaston made his get-away, jumped out of his tank, and began swimming. He swam out of the zoo, and into the river. Within hours he had national coverage complete with helicopters, boats, headlines, and fans. Exhausted by 5 straight days of swimming, Gaston was finally “rescued”. Tragically, he died on the transport home. However, while Gaston did not reach freedom, he can rest peacefully, knowing he was the most popular seal in all the land.

Monday, November 2, 2009


This was the Mantra we reminded ourselves each day we looked in the mirror over fall break.


  1. Remind yourself "I HAVE NO MONEY"
  2. Share an entree with a peer who fancies food you too enjoy
  3. stay in a hostel
  4. Eat one meal that is the "typical cuisine" of that culture and eat cheap for the rest of the time
  5. Find a FREE tour. You'll have a lively tour guide, working for tips, and will most likely tell you random things like what a "Czech Kebab" is (definition coming soon)
  6. Get up super early and do things all day. Exhaust your body and overwhelm your mind. This will put you to bed before the bars open.
  7. Bring a student ID or invest in a ISIC international student card. Contrary to logic, a student visa AND permission of stay that BOTH clearly state "STUDIO", will not suffice and no student discount will be given
  8. Pack a small bag. You will have no room or desire to add weight to it.
  9. Zip your purse. If your purse doesn't zip buy one that does. In the long run it will save your money from gypsies who ask you to hold their babies.
  10. Many museums are more beautiful from the outside
  11. If there is something you NEED, find it in a country with a good exchange rate
  12. Remember to gather your shampoo/concealer/lotion/conditioner at each hostel so you don't have to roam the streets in search of replacements
  13. NEVER pack a straightener in the front pocket of your luggage when traveling to a straightener-starved destination.
  14. Keep ALL receipts to ALL atm transactions
  15. Remind yourself "I HAVE NO MONEY

Sunday, November 1, 2009

FALL BREAK: The intro

Fall Break is not a one post kind of experience. As Alison so eloquently put, "its one of those moments you'll always look back on as life changing". And its true. Each city lent itself to totally new ideas, artists, history, and perspectives. I learned a lot over the last week. A lot about myself, and a lot about a world I never truly understood.

It is the realization of how much I still don't know that probably shocked me the most over fall break. It was a humbling yet stirring consciousness, which has done nothing but arouse my excitement for future adventures!

As Sisi said...(sort of):