Friday, October 23, 2009

Cheesecake and Cavalli

Hilliary's 21st:
Surprise dinner: success!
-Teo and Alonso brought pasta with homemade sauce! Incredible. We were very impressed

-Maria attempted to make her Porcini Risotto...with only half of the ingredients. Although it didn't make it to the table, it was a good attempt!

-Tom brought cheese and crackers. Apparently he milked the cow and baked the crackers

-Katie, Al, and Cam got mini cheesecakes from Nary for dessert. I made a makeshift candle by drawing one on a stick of gum and sticking it in her heart-shaped cheesecake

Shots Cafe: success!
-Met up with Sarah.
-Bought Hil a "SHOTS CAFE" martini shaker
-Sarah left to skype her brother

Cavalli Club: success!
-owned by creative fashion genius/designer Roberto Cavalli
-leopard-print EVERTHING
-Roberto Cavalli Vodka (the only vodka available. Best I've ever had)

But all of the above was nothing to MEETING ROBERTO CAVALLI!
YES, it just so happened that Roberto Cavalli happened to be having dinner with his daughter in the VIP section of his club last night! Happy Birthday Hil!!!

Incredible night, minus the two cameras and 1 martini shaker that went missing. :(

(We've decided that there is bad karma associated with birthdays here, seeing as Alison got ripped off and lost $358 on 1 bottle of Grey Goose for my birthday)

And while we morn for the loss of the things we once had, it goes without saying that Hilliary definitely went into 21 with a bang!


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